The Gift of Time

A maritime hourglass filled with playful nautical trinkets basks in the light of a golden sunset

Is there any sweeter feeling in the world?

That last-minute meeting cancelation.

You’re already far too busy, and dreading the block of calls coming up on your calendar.

And then, poof! One of them gets canceled at the last minute.

That hour? It’s yours again. The world is yours.

You are reborn. Free to do whatever you please for the next sixty minutes until the next thing.

Lock in that feeling three times next year with our service.

Available for pre-order now.

Money can buy it

A lux, stardust-filled hourglass keeps time while you rest in silk sheets

Give the gift of time to a friend, colleague, loved one, or even yourself (we won’t tell).

For just $5, we’ll send 3 very professional looking meeting invitations to their calendar.

Then, in the early morning on the day of each call, poof! We cancel the meeting.

By holding time on their calendar and (and later relinquishing it), you’ll grant the person who has everything (but time) a microdose of the good life.

This holiday season, give the only thing money can’t buy: time back.

Get hours of your life back

You’ll provide your special recipient’s work email address and their timezone. It can be you or a loved one (or both!).

We’ll pick three dates sprinkled throughout 2025’s busiest periods, and send totally authentic looking meeting requests.

At least one will be on a late Friday afternoon.

The morning of the meeting, we’ll magically cancel it. The day just got a little easier.

A dark, skull-filled hourglass counts your remaining mortal minutes

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International editions

The Gift of Time works in any timezone!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I wrap the metaphysical concept of free time?

After you purchase the Gift of Time, you’ll receive a cryptic (but entirely) real coupon for 3 hours of their life back.

You’ll choose from one of several designs to forward, print out, or surreptitiously download to one of their screens.

Is this real?

All too.

But my recipient is retired (or pre-career)

Great! They have to attend pointless meetings too, you know.

Who are you, Time Wizard?

The Gift of Time was conjured by Matt Stempeck and brought to life with the Corporate Overlords of Bad Idea Factory (a real thing, with many real clients).

How will I know when the meeting is?

We’ll BCC you on the invitations (if you want).

What about time travel?

See you then!

Fugit irreparible tempus